Friday, July 22, 2011

I think I'm depressed?

I'm 20 years old and I think I may be depressed or definitely have some sort of disorder and I need some of your opinions. I'll try to keep it short. Ever since the age of 13 I have always been talked down to by my parents, coaches and other people. It has never bothered me because I like to think I have very thick skin, but that has been going on for seven years and now it is getting to me. A couple of things I get told a lot are things like you'll be living at home your whole life and you'll never get married. This is all from family members or coaches. My parents have no clue that this bothers me because when I'm home I live another life. I'm extremely funny, loud and annoying that's how I cover it up and I do a very good job at it. Normally I am extremely shy. I never talk to people and I don't care to talk to anyone really. At college, if I were to guess, people think of me as a cool kid, laid back and the girls think I'm cute (more on it later as it is related to this). Lastly, the best word to describe myself is "mysterious". I've been told that a lot. Anyway, part of my possible depression is from a girl that I went out with (she had to ask me) that didn't work out. Ever since that happened I have no appetite at all. I very rarely eat. I haven't had breakfast for months, I rarely eat lunch and I usually eat dinner. I usually have small unhealthy snacks for food. I also have noticed I get more headaches and randomly during the day my eyes will tear up and I'll think about something from the past. Also, people at work, a daily occurrence now, tell me that I am so skinny. I used to get "you're really skinny" once in awhile, but now it's 3-4 times a week. I looked in the mirror the other day and I'll admit I look unhealthy (6'4" 160lbs). People also tell me I always look so sad. Another big and the last detail are friends. I have no friends because I have cut bridges with them for no reason at all. I deleted my facebook, my address book in my phone has been 95% deleted in fact, my phone has been shut off for three weeks and counting. I can't tell you why I did it and I wish I could. I feel bad about one of my friends. A girl friend (notice the space). We got really close during the school year because of group projects. We have a lot in common. We would go bowling every Saturday with her fiance, who was nice meeting too. She even helped me in trying to get back with the girl I talked about. A couple weeks ago which was the last time I talked to her we planned to meet up again for bowling. I was also going to help her move-in in her new apartment. The next day I deleted her from my phone and shut it off where it has not been turned on since. Some days I think about turning that phone on and reading the messages that I know are there, but I just can't. Oh I don't know if this is related to depression, but I'd like to share it. I constantly think about my childhood 24/7. Like when I was 8-10 yrs old. It's all I think about and sometimes I try to re-live it. Maybe it's because when I was 8-10 those were the good days? I feel embarrassed and there is even more I can share, but this is too long. Thanks for reading this

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