Monday, July 18, 2011

How do I get this guy even after regection?

There was this guy at work that Im pretty sure liked me.He would flirt and we would chat at work and on facebook occasionaly.At one point he asked me to the movies but I turned him down since I had a boyfriend at that point.He ended up getting fired at work and Soon after me and my boyfriend broke up.So I texted the guy from work just asking him how he was and casually slipping in how I was single now so if he ever needed someone to go to the movies with i would be up to it.He ended up sending me a very long text message explaining how he wasent meant to have a relationship and that no girl could ever understand him and although he felt alone he thought it was for the best.SO i asked if he would be up to having some no strings attached fun(sex) since he wasent into relationships,he then sent me another long text message explanation that he had not had sex in awhile and if he couldnt have the right person he diddnt want anyone.I told him he sounded like a hopeless romantic and then 2 days later i asked him if the definition of a hopeless romantic fit him.He replyed with a short "I dont know". And that was it.We havent been in contact since.what do i do?what makes this guy tick?etc etc HOW DO I GET THIS GUY EVEN AFTER REGECTION?

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