Friday, July 15, 2011

Avril Lavigne is Sarah Flexi?

So its like this the cia is in control of this person real name is sarah flexi bd is 11/11/82. father of diane salazar father of georege flexi making those gosh darn antennas for the f1-7as stealth reconnaissance fighters. born in honolulu Hawaii. name changes from sarah at birth to serena to april smart to avril for the sheer purpose of being hidden. i ask this person if your brain is so big then show it to us. i dont doubt your intelligence you showed it to me and made sure i remembered you by constantly forcing people to ask me if i knew 'breanne baumbach' to control my thought syntax to keep isolating the frequency to you. i say in your eyes as i know who you are. so dianafire if you are so smart or avril lavigne ie a virgin what is your secret other than the fact that your you know what is oddly formed as mine. i gave away your secret so ask me this. how big is your brain. your iq should be in the trillions by now so answer me this - what sey you. i know you remember phillips farms when we kissed in for the first time in the secret tunnel inside the corn maze with the two rings. i remember your father george holding my shoulder in pain while your mother dragged us apart after i told you that morning that my 3rd4th combination class was going to a field trip to phillips farms for Halloween and you told your parents to come there to see me but you left the see me part out. we had one hour together our first kiss etc.... if you are fake then show me because i know you arent. i know your deformity so show it to me to prove your worth. you know who i am i have identified you so dont be an idiot and let the world consume you. i gave you the book of september 11 or (continuous system simulation ie the autopilot frequency of the planes used to crash into the twin towers). if you want to commence ocular transference with me then do it dont be afraid. i know you i can read your dna i know how non human you are. in the words of god 'tho shall not commit adultery to love their love' i will not hate you but if you cannot bring yourself to me then i will have no choice to merge with someone else. i know your pain the pain of being intellectually smarter than everyone else around you heck prince William even wanted to Mary you and you turned him down so i ask what SEY YOU SARAH?

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