Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Most supernatural occurrence?

when i was maybe 7 or 8 i was trying to sleep i was in a bunk bed with my bro on the bottom and it was maybe midnight or later but for some reason i woke up. Anyway i had this overwhelming fear for no reason and i could not even move my toe, i was frozen with fear and i tried to call for help but i couldnt. im not sure how to describe it but my vocal chords didnt work and i couldnt scream "mum" i could only barely whisper it. and i was pretty terrified and continuelly tried to scream untilmy voicebox started working annd my mum rushed in and asked me what was wrong so i told her i had a bad dream. I had no idea what was going on so how could i tell her? anyways only until last year i was in a scripture class and the guy described his experience which was exactly what happened to me except his light was on and he could see a "black shapeless thing" that was a demon or something.

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