Saturday, July 23, 2011

How can I give myself a makeover?(pic included)?

How should i do my makeup for school?

Ghost being disturbed?

I moved my furniture around in my room yesterday. I've always had a weird feeling something was in my room but nothing serious happened....I only Always got sleep paralysis. but last night first i heard something bang behind me beforee then i was on vc and i started hearing noises through the computer like it was like a deep voice every time i talked but idk if that was just a computer problem....but then it took my 10 mins to calm down THEN My tv spases out and goes to no signal then my brother fixed it thenn my brother left and a louder then ussual tick goes from my radiator thennn i was calm till something fell in my closet I RAN as fast as i can out into my parents room I slept on there floor cause i couldnt stay in there. i later found out it was my pillow at the top of the closet. it didnt bother me cause its morning but,...My picture just fell on the was hung up Pretty good....and idk if it was coincidence but it was right after i was joking around with my friend and i said it should get the **** out on a facebook chat....I'm 14 and sleep paralysis only has happened in MY room and it goes away when i go to sleep on my moms floor... and it never follows me? Please tell me if this is a ghost or not. No one thinks its a ghost and everyone says its in my head but i belive it is..My mom said no one has died on this property it was my grandfathers property and if it was someone it'd be him.

What do you think of these names for a boy?

Despite all the negative opinions, I think the best ones are Seeley Jacob, Sigmund Kyle, and Steele Maurice.

I was bitten by a tick on 6/18. The bite faded but now I have a pimple by it...?

I dont think its at the direct site but near it. its raised and hard underneath...almost like a boil. the tick wasnt on me long because I felt the bite. when I took the tick off me, it was still.moving & I disposed of it...maybe on me for 30 mins before I.felt it. should I worry?

FiFA: Iker Casillas cheated on his Girlfriend?

Luciana Salazar is not hot, she's lame, i would not tap that. This is just a rumor, I hope. Sara Carbonero is 1000x hotter than her.

Can I drink alcohol whilst I'm dieting?

This isn't a regular occurrence; I like to go out, clubbing and partying with my friends (like every teenager does) but I'm on a diet, I'm eating healthily and doing at least an hour's walking everyday. But I want to go out at least once or twice a fortnight. I drink lager and spirits, and yes when I drink I like to get absolutely wasted!! What should I do? Advise please?...

If illegals were really here for a better life why are so many being arrested?

please go get a life. the link between illegal immigraiton and violent crime has been proved a myth. stop trying to demonize the undocumented.

Is this sort of rhetoric acceptable?

Conservatives love to use controversial rhetoric to agitate and motivate their voting base. Today just proves their need to be careful. Some are more easily agitated and motivated than others.

Spanish; when to use a, al, a la, a los...etc?

the examples were perfect but we don't say: les hermanas, the right one is: las hermanas or la hermana - el hermano or los hermanos and I'll give you same examples for "te, le and les": { I give you money } : "te doy dinero" or "le doy dinero" mean the same and you can use them when you are talking to one person or "les doy dinero" ( for more than one person)

How can I get a refund....?

I reserved a ticket though Irctc, but didnt travel on that day due to some other program. I asked my frnd to cancel the ticket, but she unknowingly cancelled only one berth in that reserved ticked. Now can I get a refund on that ticket, if Yes how can proceed to get refund on the other berths?? Can anyone help me on this???

What happens if you are found guilty for a assault and battery charge as a minor?

Really it just exactly what I asked in the question. Because I want to know what will happen what will I get if I was found guilty for this charge As a minor in California. Especially if I had a clean record before this occurrence happened.

Is my kitten dying?!?

My cat has been sitting in the same spot for a few hours each day. She's usually very frisky and loves to sun bathe, but now she stays out of the sun and in her little hidey-hole. Her fur has gotten thinner over only the past 4 days! She's also been coughing and sneezing. She tries to throw up here and there, but she only succeeds sometimes. Whenever you pet her she coughs and twitches. She's very sensitive to touch now, and she can barely open her eyes all the way. I tried to get my mom to take her to the vet but she said to wait a week more or so. This has been going on for the past week, perhaps? I'm really worried and she's only 1 and a half years old. She was perfectly healthy before this. We DID put frontline on her (Stuff for ticks and fleas) and she had some sort of allergic reaction.. but this was nearly 3 weeks ago. All she did was run around the house non-stop for a few days and could never get comfortable and never could rest and sit down. Is my cat okay? Should I try to force my mom to take her to the vet again?! I'm really worried for her and I thought I was sitting with her on her last night 2 days ago.. I can't let her die at 1 and a half years old, so I don't know what I should do. I'm so afraid for her. What should I do?

Why are so many Democrat candidates running scared to rebrand themselves w/ about 30 days before the Midterms?

They know they're in hot water and the majority of Americans are against all of the B.S. policies they pushed through, so now they're trying to hold on to their seats for dear life by claiming they were ''against'' Obama's agenda. Don't fall for it people!!! All politicians are crooks!!

What is the best way to avoid being stoned to death for working on a Sunday?

I saw my schedule at work today and found out i am slotted to work a shift this Sunday. I was just wondering if there are any precautionary measures one can take to avoid the stoning. Working 8 hours at minimum wage isn't really worth losing your life over so any advice to avoid such an occurrence is welcomed.

Chivas Best Generation ?

marco fabian is a great player. i went to a game en el estadio jalisco like 2 years ago when they played necaxa (the game was not on tv) and marco fabian scored a goal from outside del area right in the corner. Davila is getting really good. vergara might send him to another team like he did to liborio if he shows how good he is.

Hartz ultraguard flea and tick question?

Like 2 hours ago I was at target and I bought the Hartz Ultraguard Flea and Tick (16-30lbs). I didn't think to read any reviews on it and I believe I have used it in the past on my boyfriend's dog. I put it on him and everything was fine. I then Googled the product and found all of these Web sites say that their dog died or got really sick, etc. I started to freak out and gave my dog 2 separate baths to get rid of the product. Am I going nuts? Does this product really hurt animals? If so, how can they keep manufacturing this product?!?!

I can't control my imagination?

I understand completely. I have the same problem, I can't control my imagination. Perhaps it's like when you get a song stuck in your head and can't get it out? Except it is a visual image? I'm not quite sure. ^.^

How to sync music on two computers without deleting old songs?

I want to sync music on another computer's itunes but it tells me that it will erase all my old songs... I searched on the apple website and it gave me instructions to manage the iphone 'manually'. But when i follow the instructions and click apply after ticking the 'manage manually' box, it tells me that it will erase the songs again.... what should i do?

How did Dumbeldore learn parseltounge?

Dumbledore never learnt Parseltongue. I'm pretty certain of that considering how many times I've obsessively read the books. If you had a page reference it could help?

Have you ever experienced a strange or peculiar event before in your life?

For example, a lot of people claim that they see ghosts. Have you ever witnessed a strange occurrence that defied explanation?

Can't trust a bestie :( plz help?

Tell Madison what happened.I have had this issue before. I think you should just confront her about it and say you accidentally seen her recent calls,if she is your bestie she will understand.If you don't think her excuse is good enough then..You will know if she is a true friend or not. Hope this helped.

8th harry potter idea?

Nah. The 7th book perfectly ties it up. Any more and it would be over excessive. Which is doubly bad.

Have you ever seen an Indian (India) guy marry a non-Indian woman before?

i've seen indian men date women from all sorts of ethnicity. it is becoming more and more common as people open their minds.

If the people you are leading don't know what they're supposed to do, can you really call yourself a leader?

This seems a bit "Beckian" to in cherry-picked and then deliberately taken out of context, but not having seen the entire hearing, perhaps I am mistaken. What Interior Secretary Salazar was probably attempting to ascertain was whether the BP spill was a SYSTEMIC problem throughout the off-shore oil rig drilling or whether just this one rig was the problem. The commission is, after all, charged with tracing how such a horrific event could have occurred---where are all the weakest links in the chain and to what extent are other operations by BP or by other oil companies involved? Is the pattern of negligence, malfeasance, and corruption or collusion with regulatory officials which is oil-industry-wide? Or is the problem mainly with BP, which is the fourth wealthiest corporation in the world and yet was too cheap to replace batteries or buy the half-million-dollar part needed for a back-up system should failure occur? These seem reasonable questions for a Commission whose job is to PINPOINT CAUSES from Congressional lack of oversight or collusion throughout the years applicable, MMS involvement, money trails, criminal liability at any level, Haliburton's involvement in laying the cement (which had previously been the cause of an explosion at a different offshore rig), the employees' error or negligence, BP or any of its subsidiaries involved, etc. A truly THOROUGH investigation would involve a study of the procedures, protocols, practices, and performances of all involved in offshore drilling to determine whether any systemic flaws exist, either in contractual wording or conditions, performance, adherence to safety codes, etc. I do not see anything wrong with Interior Secretary Salazar asking a Commission that is supposed to trace ALL OF THE PROBLEMS involved in the explosion and the leak what they think of the moratorium---is there a need for MORE TIME to conduct inspections and to determine safety or back-up system availability? Why would that be a bone of contention or a source of ridicule? The PRESIDENT appointed these two---and they are NOT oilmen---they simply have the AUTHORITY to INVESTIGATE every aspect of the Deepwater Horizon explosion and spill, and if the problems with MMS are going all the way back to 2001, then does it not stand to reason that some of the fault might be contained in the interaction between the MMS and any existing OTHER off-shore oil rigs? Salazar is leading, but the new Commissioners may not yet comprehend the full SCOPE of the task that has been assigned. If you witness the two change their tune and go Ken Salazar's direction, then you could make an assumption that he leads, they are new and do not know the scope of their authority, they ask the President who appointed them, he backs Salazar, and the two commissioners then take their blinders off and get to work analyzing possible COLLUSION with the former MMS and other oil operations that could mean other safety violations or no back-up systems in place. By the way, Wall Street Journal (which is the parent for your site) is owned by Faux News owner and foreign media mogul right-wing homophobe Rupert Murdoch. Just thought I'd mention the connection in case you want to determine credibility or hidden agenda.

How will my baby look like?

i heard that they look more like there fathers when they first pop out as i makes a bond with then. obviously with more of a crinkled face lol

Who else thinks that sports card "grading" is a scam?

If you don't get your cards graded,they aren't worth nearly the same as when they are graded.Grading physically doesn't change the card one bit,other than some rip-off company telling you what you already knew...that your card is awesome,mediocre,or that it sucks.They also way over-charge to do the grading.How did these guys muscle in on the card industry and make it so you have to have their "blessings" to have your cards considered "worthy"? Come on,I hope I'm not the only one who thinks these companies suck and over-charge.And to top it off,many of them use totally different grading systems so you have to have a chart to cross reference what each one equals to the next.Stupid man...they tick me off.

What does my dream mean?

You are having some small problems.You are thinking it as too big and explode.Perhaps the small bomb ,small problem and big one big problem.It is made clear to you that they are not serious problems ,they will disappear or you will solve them easily.Think and act.

Who is to blame for me becoming evil?

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.…born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.…and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives.…the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…"

Friday, July 22, 2011

Can someone use flea/tick treatment even if the cat doesn't have any just in case?

yeah there is preventative flea/tick medication that goes on the back of cats necks, thats meant to be used just in case

My Guy Friend is starting to like me but...?

This Guy & I been friends for a couple of years. We talk all the time(text) but now he seems to like me, and im not interested. He is becoming really clingy kind of and its ticking me of. So I started ignoring his text and he texted me three times since wondering why i have not been responding. (but im still ignoring) I would love to tell him, i need space & just to leave me alone for a bit. He is not annoying at all, its just im starting to sense changes in our convo's lately so i want to stop it all together before he tries anything. I have an issue with being distant & I go M.I.A. for no reason at times with my friends. As much as i want friends soooo bad, im thankful he is the only one that talks to me and stuff. But im listening to my heart not my brain, on my part i simply see him as a friend. But to me he see's it as an oppurtunity to eventually get me someday to some extent... I feel bad ignoring him, but all i want is friendship and nothing else. It has nothing to do with him, he's hot or w.e. but still. Im very cautious so i choose wisely about boyfriends in which i rarely have; but long stoyry short i don't want him.........WHAT DO U THINK??----> Thank you for all answers in advance

Possible ticks in my apartment?

The apartment complex is not required to handle 'ticks'. Understand that ticks live in the wild, and do NOT infest living units. If you DO have ticks, YOU brought them into the premises. The apartment complex is not responsible to remediate insects which arrived on YOU. They are only required to remove nasty insects which may have invaded the premises on their own.

Would it actually be possible to befriend a poltergeist?

And if so, could you just chill with him/her? Maybe switch on the tv and chill, or go for a walk, or play video games? In theory, as they can interact with objects, surely it should be possible? On the other hand, surely there would be occurrences of this by now? I sure as hell know if someone was playing a cool game and I was haunting them I'd write a note asking to play...


You've just got to find the right guy, my friend. Some are like that, but there are also some who aren't.

I am an expat working in an English company and the girls are being EVIL with me?

you can handle this two different ways. If you are comfortable doing so, I may confront those who are not treating you with proper respect and ask them what the problem is. If that does not work, you should go speak to your supervisor AND the head of your human resources department and let them know what is happening and how it is affecting you. I wish you the best of luck!

Is it ever okay to torture other human beings?

I don't think it is ever okay to torture another human being, because it is extremely cruel and inhumane. However, sometimes it is necessary to do so, but only as a last resort.

BP's new drilling permit- why it should NOT be passed?

easy one.they lied.what else do we need to who lies can never be trusted.and to take as long as they did to correct it.should not be in the honest opinion.those who issue the permits could not care as always.

Cat died after possibly ingesting something poisonous?

Four days ago, after being fine all morning, I noticed my cat was uncontrollably drooling, and sitting in one spot acting strangely. I tried giving her water, and cleaning the drool off, but she continued to drool constantly. I had no money to see a vet, and scoured the internet for answers as to why this was happening, and prayed that she was just going to throw up, and be okay. After about 40 minutes after noticing her drooling, She went into some sort of seizure/fit (meowing and jumping into walls accompanied by very heavy breathing, then just laid on my bathroom floor. after about ten minutes of sitting with her on the floor she died right in front of me. This is by far one of the hardest things I've ever been through, as I loved this cat very much (took her in as a stray about 8 years ago, and for some reason she only seemed to trust me out of my family, and was very skittish around others. Yet, she slept with me every night, and would practically never leave me alone. I'm assuming she had a history of abuse.) As my family didn't have much money, we weren't able to take her to the vet, but knew that she had obviously been spayed, and such. She could have possibly been up to four years old I'd say when we took her in. I took very good care of her, and she was always happy, and healthy seeming. (forgot, she looked to be an almost pure-bred Persian cat). My question is that after her dying, I noticed a spot where she had been drooling right before dying, and it looks almost as if there is glitter in it. I can't find anything with glitter, or anything like that in my home. Anyone have any ideas. I'm hoping this was a death due to some sudden illness, or freak occurrence, rather than poisoning, as I'm having so much trouble dealing with the guilt of not being able to take here to a vet.

What bug is this it is gross!?

I picked up my backpack and I saw like a mini army worm on my pants leg so I thought It was just a fuzz ball I picked it up and a bug that looked like a tiny (and more oval) yellow lady bug it took two really hard pinches (like how you make a tick freeze up) to squish it and kill it

Missing my celexa??? what is going on?

so i missed my celexa for 2 days & also i dont eat healthy. ive been having anxiety & veery lite headed & it almostfeels likemy brain is getting little ticks. is this commonfrom mising my celexa?

Epic mickey help rele irritating?

im like almost done with the game. im on the part where yu have to repair 5 steaming pipes before the green paint comes in, and i cant find the LAST PIPE. ive tried i dunno how many times and its ticking me off. ive gotten the two where yu jump down and yu can clearly see, and the two at the bottom of those but i cant find the last one when i have 5 more seconds on the clock. PLEASE TELL ME WHERE ALL THE PIPES ARE!!!!

Am I eligible for unemployment if I no longer have transportation to and from work?

I've been working at my job for more than 2 1/2 years and I no longer have transportation to get to work. Public transportation does not that far and I can no longer afford to take a cab to work(it costs around 150.00 per week for a cab) I am now down to 1 occurrence due to having to call in because of not having money to get to work or the cab just not showing up. If I get fired due to my occurrences, am I eligible for unemployment?

Who knows more about the Constitution?

Alex I'm going with Sarah Palin, because she barely graduated from college with a major in Journalism. No one really questions the truth do they?

I think I'm depressed?

I'm 20 years old and I think I may be depressed or definitely have some sort of disorder and I need some of your opinions. I'll try to keep it short. Ever since the age of 13 I have always been talked down to by my parents, coaches and other people. It has never bothered me because I like to think I have very thick skin, but that has been going on for seven years and now it is getting to me. A couple of things I get told a lot are things like you'll be living at home your whole life and you'll never get married. This is all from family members or coaches. My parents have no clue that this bothers me because when I'm home I live another life. I'm extremely funny, loud and annoying that's how I cover it up and I do a very good job at it. Normally I am extremely shy. I never talk to people and I don't care to talk to anyone really. At college, if I were to guess, people think of me as a cool kid, laid back and the girls think I'm cute (more on it later as it is related to this). Lastly, the best word to describe myself is "mysterious". I've been told that a lot. Anyway, part of my possible depression is from a girl that I went out with (she had to ask me) that didn't work out. Ever since that happened I have no appetite at all. I very rarely eat. I haven't had breakfast for months, I rarely eat lunch and I usually eat dinner. I usually have small unhealthy snacks for food. I also have noticed I get more headaches and randomly during the day my eyes will tear up and I'll think about something from the past. Also, people at work, a daily occurrence now, tell me that I am so skinny. I used to get "you're really skinny" once in awhile, but now it's 3-4 times a week. I looked in the mirror the other day and I'll admit I look unhealthy (6'4" 160lbs). People also tell me I always look so sad. Another big and the last detail are friends. I have no friends because I have cut bridges with them for no reason at all. I deleted my facebook, my address book in my phone has been 95% deleted in fact, my phone has been shut off for three weeks and counting. I can't tell you why I did it and I wish I could. I feel bad about one of my friends. A girl friend (notice the space). We got really close during the school year because of group projects. We have a lot in common. We would go bowling every Saturday with her fiance, who was nice meeting too. She even helped me in trying to get back with the girl I talked about. A couple weeks ago which was the last time I talked to her we planned to meet up again for bowling. I was also going to help her move-in in her new apartment. The next day I deleted her from my phone and shut it off where it has not been turned on since. Some days I think about turning that phone on and reading the messages that I know are there, but I just can't. Oh I don't know if this is related to depression, but I'd like to share it. I constantly think about my childhood 24/7. Like when I was 8-10 yrs old. It's all I think about and sometimes I try to re-live it. Maybe it's because when I was 8-10 those were the good days? I feel embarrassed and there is even more I can share, but this is too long. Thanks for reading this

If you had to name your children after Harry Potter characters... (Boy version)?

Cedric and cormac are kinda cool! I actually know a cormac but he's three;) Lee is cute! Jordan Oliver are cute too but I like Cormac!!

Friend was bit by something on a camping trip baseball size reddish rash and bruising? Pics included Any idea?

We're in central Illinois she first noticed the bite on Saturday which looked like a mosquito bite. It was normal skin color and about the size of a peanut M & M. It was itchy. On Sunday the bump was gone and in its place was a large reddish rash with bruising. It is not painful to the touch and does not appear to have gotten bigger than on sunday although the bruising has gotten slightly more purplish in color there is no signs of puss or any type of fever. As soon as this is posted i will add a photo bucket link with pictures. We were attacked by mosquitos and chiggers that weekend and its deer tick territory out there...we also have brown recluses in that area i've nver seen a bite like that. What do you think it was? Shes trying to avoid a hospital ill if she can....what do you think?

I have no idea what to do, someone please help me.?

Hey im luis, My mother passed away September 30th 2010 from bone cancer, i have three sister no brothers, one of my sister died at like 9 months pregnant, my other sister is handi-cap and my other sister is 24. My dad isnt exactly the nicest person..he drinks alot and expects me to do everything with my handicap sister change diaper and feed her (spoon feed her)..she is 15..while i'm 14...While my mother was crying herself to sleep because of the pain of bone cancer my dad was out drinkin and when he comes home i ask him to get diapers for my mother and he says he has no money for diapers but yet he buys more beer..that's what really ticked me off...i asked for his credit card to buy an online game..i kept the info on his card saved it in notepad and everytime he would get me very mad for not caring about my mother not able to walk or even talk due to the pain of the cancer...i spent money on his credit i used his credit card all of November-April...and it racks up the total of $2500 on pure games..that i dont even play..i just had it there so that the money that he didn't spend on my mother, i spent on games. i'm so depressed about my mother..and now just realising that i owe my dad $2500...and now he physically abuses me when he drinks..and gets drunk..i take care of my handicap sister all by myself...he found a new wife...that smokes and 24 year old sister can't afford a big house so child support can take us...i need some serious help...i havn't attempted suicide...but i fear that it may come soon...i miss my mom..

Why didn't Hitler invade Spain and Portugal?

I was thinking about this the other day. If Hitler would have invaded Spain early on in the war, he could have severely cut off Allied effort in N. Africa by controlling Gibraltar. Portugal would have been useful as a port to the Atlantic, the Azores could be used as a strategic base. Spain and Portugal were both militarily weak during these periods with Spain losing many soldiers in their civil war. I don't imagine they would put up much of a fight against the Nazi war machine. Would have been walk in the park for the Germans, like France or the Low Countries. I understand Franco and Salazar were ideologically similar to Adolf Hitler, but Hitler demonstrated in the past that he had no qualms about betraying allies.

Ideas for a sci fi story?

My plot so far: in the monib galaxy, and a new planet brimming with life. Discovered in the year 2246, it is one of the very few planets to provide enough resources to ensure the future of earth. And that's it. I need natives, animals, and rate occurrences as well as flora.

If Jesus' resurrection was proven correct, would that prove Jesus was the son of God?

No. And, even if God could be proved to exist, that still would not prove that Christianity, or any other religion, for that matter, speaks for Him.

Ew...What's this on my foot?!?!?

Okay so, put your foot out so you can see both big toes. On the left of my right toe there's this big brown pimple thing on it. It is soooo disgusting I dunno what it is. And on my right of my left toe you can feel one forming but it's not brown...yet. Let me describe the one on my right toe. It's kind of a light-ish brown and as you go into it it gets into a black dot. It's harder then the one on my left toe....WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!?!? I have a wedding to go to and I can't go with a brown thing on my toe!! Please help?? I don't think it can be a tick. Because I have the same sort of thing on each of my big toes in the exact same spot. It's just my right toe is darker. Please help this is grossing me out!!! What is this?!?!?

Why do Dems claim Obama has nothing to do with gas prices when...?

It's easy. When a Republican is President, they're directly responsible for things like gas prices rising, and it's proof of their corruption and/or incompetence. When it's a Democrat, it's much more complicated than that, and the President has little ability to control prices.

My dad's all caps rage war?

lately my dad has been unusually aggressive he does not abuse any1 or anything, but he just rages very often and whenever me or my bro step out of line even unintentunaly he rages badly, and confiscates our equipment. yesterday he confiscated my mobile b/c i tripped and dropped a few papers he wanted. what had happened was he called me from outside about 6 inc out of the house and asked me to get a few papers from his briefcase i got them for him and steeped outside, but i did not have my shoe on so i could not go passed the yard. he was in the car just outside and on the phone i w8ed till he finished and said "dad i don't have my shoe on atm mind stepping out of ur car and taking the paper" he raged a bit (tbh i don't blame him) and asked me to go put on my shoe and come out, and i did but on the way i tripped and fell with the papers in my hand i quickly piled them back up and gave them to him (he ofc saw the papers falling) the papers where perfectly fine all that had happened was there was a bit of dust on the folder. he went into an all caps rage and confiscated everything including my phone the annoying thing is that it is the only phone in the house with my numbers i tried transfusing them but it will just take to long i have about 350 numbers in there and the thing that actually ticks me off is that he knows i can't go more than a day without my phone i don't text or anything but i generally get a lot of urgent calls from my friends my phone is also usually on silent so it does not disturb him and i payed for it as well 100% so yea im not rly sure what to do. i tryed talking to him but every time i did he just confiscated it for a longer period of time. im thinking of swiping his visa card as soon as he gets home (in-front of him ofc) and going to the nearest atm and jacking the phones money and putting it in my bank account and as soon as i get home ill tell him to keep the damn phone i don't want it anymore this is the exact 7th time he's confiscated my phone and in all previous 6 times ive missed out on a lot and he knows it.

Foursquare not posting to facebook from my blackberry?

I have the blackberry curve which doesn't allow you to check-in to places on facebook. Instead, I decided to try posting it from foursquare. I filled out my details to connect my FS account to my FB account, and I ticked the box that said 'post this to facebook' but it's not working

Does my battery need to be replace or something else?

If the battery is old replace it, get it started and take the vehicle to autozone or someplace and get a charging system check to make sure the alternator isn't bad.

What should i do or any advice?

My name is emmett, 15 years old and got to putnam high in springfield, ma. all my life i havent been really making genuine friends and connections at school. therefore sometimes people are always putting the target on me every year instead of a different apponent this never changes every single year an my clock is ticking and going into 10th grade and i dont want to continue this from happening?

News on CM Punk's shoot (Read more inside)?

Apparently, he was NOT given ANY lines, and WWE said that Punk could go out there and say WHATEVER was ticking him off, and made him want to leave. They would cut the mic when they thought things were too far...Thoughts? I thought that they cut it a little bit late, they could have cut him when he was talking about Vince's death and his stupid family. Wow, this could possibly be the best thing WWE has come up with for a LONG time

Where to get Nike SB's in Mississauga, ON, Canada?

I live in Mississauga and went to the USA a couple of times this year. I skateboard (i'm a guy) and I love Nike SB. I couldn't find them where I live so I went to USA once to get the P.Rod 2.5's (Best to skate in), the Dunk SB's and the Omar Salazars. Next year Imma get more but don't wanna go 2 US. Where can I get them from in Mississauga?

My kitten is sick! HELPPP!?

About a month and a half ago, two very adorable kittens showed up on my doorstep. They couldn't have been more than a few weeks old. We named them Lois and Clark(one is a boy, one is a girl). Lois, who is normally very energetic and always exploring(hence their names), has been extremely sick for the past couple of days. She is lethargic, and she pretty much refuses to move unless you move her yourself. For example, I sat her on her bed, and she just stood there, falling asleep. I laid her down, and she would not move at all, not even when little Clark came to play. She has a very warm and dry nose, but her feet are relatively cool. She is constantly purring, but from time to time she will sneeze. I am extremely worried about her. She is an outside cat, so ticks are probable(I found one on her just a few minutes ago, but it was small), and they have probably had fleas, too.(I just gave them a bath the other day) Any help would be amazing.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I need advice people help me out i need answers.?

the potential for unwanted resulting from an incident event or occurrence is? consequence, threat, vulnerability , or risk. let me know ok.which one?

I have this twitch but is it something bad?

I have this tick almost, where my upper body moves on its own. Normally just my right arm but sometimes both are involved as well as my torso moves. This has been happening for as long as i can remember but as i get older it starts to worry me. It occassionally happens while i drive and that could be very bad but otherwise its just something for my friends and family to laugh at me about when i smack myself in the head or chest, Ive tried to do some reaseach but theres not much i can find out that fits this in particular, i know there parkinsons but as far as i know that twitching of the whole body not just a singulated area. If anyone else has this or knows anything more about it please help?!?! just wanna know if i should try to get a medical diagonis or not?

Is this a tick on my dog?

I can't tell if this is a tick on my dog or not. It's been there for awhile- I just thought it was a blood blister. If she licks it or bites it, it pops and bleeds a whole lot. It's on her stomach. But I can't tell if it's a tick or just a mole-like sac filled with blood. Do ticks bleed when touched?

I have a coon dog and i need help!!?

ive got a 10 month old b&t blue tick mix coon dog..i trapped a coon in one them foot traps... first i just took him back there and he would smell it.. but kinda scared (he was a house dog for 8 months).. so i went and got my 6 or 7 month old full blooded husky .. he wasnt scared at all but once the coon dog seen the other one wasnt scared he got braver every minute barkin and biting at thecoon he got in there but still not like the other dog but he got on that coon prrety good.. so my question is.. do ya think he'd only be good if he was with other dogs or if he will get used to it? and if i should be concerned that he was a little timied at first? the dog has had no traing ..but he was followin a trail where i seen the coon go..anytips and advice? please and thank you

Would you still be with your spouse if they somehow magically changed genders?

Just pretend some almighty God or strange occurrence switched your spouse's gender forever. Would you still be with him/her?

Can I be wrote up or disciplined for days I missed months ago?

I currEntly have 50 hrs of fmla hours remaining. Several months ago (January-April) some days ddnt get coded as fmla time due to an error in our system. Those days have shown up as occurrences. Can Hr write me up for dates over 30 day before.

How long is the Obama administration going to keep blocking permits for deep water drilling in the gulf?

As long as it takes to get this country paying 8 bucks for gas and 10 bucks for Diesel fuel. That will help him push his green policies better. It will shut down the country, but by golly we will be green.

What happens in the short story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” ? Who is Peyton Farquhar?

This is such a short really would be worth your while to simply read it and form your own opinions rather than asking here.

Why do I continue to see atheists say that natural disasters are not on the rise?

because God told it to the Christians in various areas of the Bible. So if they admitted it, it would be proof to the atheists that there actually is a God.

How could Ginny Weasley......?

She was possessed by Tom Riddle (aka Voldemort when he was young) by the diary, which held a part of voldemort's soul, and that possessed ginny and made her open the chamber. and since she was possessed she could speak parseltoungue, because voldemort can speak parseltoungue.

A heartbroken Virgin!?

Have sex when you're ready and not before. I will tell you that sex is extremely important especially to guys. It takes a very special considerate patient guy to wait far into a relationship for sex. I'm not saying he is right, I'm saying he is a thoughtless bastard for cheating on you. Guys put more importance on sex then women do, more then what we should. I would say to move on and find a great guy who will wait for you. He didn't cheat because you wouldn't put out, he would have cheated even if you and he were going at it like rabbits every night, that's the nature of a cheater, they cheat no matter what.

This Bi*&h is ticking me OFF!?

I hate disrespecful bitches like that too so I totally get you. She obviously like him and idk but if I was you I would be extra alert, like sleep with one eye open lol. Because if you already told him you don't like him hanging out with her and he sees that she wants something else with him and still hangs out with her then he might be interested too. Put pictures of you and and him looking extra happy in fb so she can see it make comments about you two so she sees them too. But I dont think you should try to fight her because he is your bf he is the one who has to respect you not her she doesn't even know you so she doesn't really care about you. So the one that has to give you your place is him. And fighting over a guy to me of course just feels low.

Decoding guy speak...? Asking again?

I think he meant like YOU weren't a weekend in there isn't another serious girl. or like there are not a lot of other girls, like a friday night girl or a monday hook up, etc. there could just be that hold you guys have on eachother that leads there. maybe if you lived in town it would be a relationship? depends how strong you guys feel about each other. best of luck :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Good thesis Bad thesis?

Thesis isn't clear. Interesting material, don't know anything about R. Pickton but your thesis could be more clearly stated that 'his trial negatively altered the Canadian public's perspective of the workings of their justice system.'

Salazar as a first name? what do you think?

i wanna name my kid salazar but my wise says he would be an outcast, what do you think of someone names salazar? she says shes willling to compromise for somethin like rafael salazar.

What do these symptoms mean?

I play softball too. I have this problem a lot only mine doesn't go away that easy. I think it's just because of the heat or dehydration. You may need to do more conditioning. But don't forget the water. Drink a lot of it and see if that ever occurs again.

MY dog is about to be five please help with veteranary advise?

my dog is about to be 5 years old. Usually very spunky, spontanious, and energetic. Lately (in the past two weeks) he seems like his joints are hurting him when he gets up (stands up, gets off the couch, goes up or down stairs or jumps on or off a bed). His whole body looks stiff, but if we take him outside he runs around like nothing is wrong. We found a tick on him about a month ago, but it was already out when we found it. It looked infected for a week, but healed up and we can see no signs of it. We also have been under alot of stress in the house.....someone help me..... is it lime diesease or stress or what is wrong with him?????

Do you think that it is time for Obama to hire some new Handlers?

They use experts to push their socialism. That isn't new for Marxists or other statists. It was used by Lenin, Mussolini, Hitler, etc. Woodrow Wilson was probaly as bad as any of the previously mentioned ones. When you don't like democracy, it is easy to get a panel of experts to say what you want to push your agenda. If they don't say what you like, you misrepresent what they say. Alarmists do it all the time. Alarmists continually talk about a concensus but misrepresent and exaggerate what that consensus is about.

Murder mystery party story?

I wouldn't want to deprive you of the satisfaction of ending your own story. Figuring out a clever solution is the fun part of writing....

I think my dog has a skin tumor?

I noticed a growth on my dogs leg that initially was small but has recently grown just smaller than a golf ball. It is dark red and lumpy and sometimes causes some bleeding. I originally thought that it may be a tick, but if that were the case it would have to be the biggest tick that I have ever seen. Does anyone know if this is possibly a tick or a tumor?

Opinion on how to train to be off leash?

IMO you train on leash all commands and then you train off leash in an enclosed area. So a yard that is fenced would be a perfect place to start doing the commands off leash. You don't wan a dog park as its far too much room. Start small till the dog is reliable.

I need some unique names!?

I love unique names like Coco, River and Salazar. Those are my favorite names ever!! What are some of the "weirdest" names you've ever heard?

How to help a grieving friend. please read details. thanks?

theres rarely anything that can be done.. but a shoulder to cry on, and a wall to vent her words to is your best bet. dont force her to talk, or what ever. just be there ready and able to listen. sometimes a nice hug and silence is good. hold her and dont let go unless you feel its necessary.dont constantly apoligize.. just be there.

My friend keeps making judgements about my weight?

I'm not fat, nor was I ever fat, just a little chubby. I'm 5'3", 16 years old, and weighed 145 pounds a couple of months ago. I wasn't fat, but i DID want to start eating healthier and slim down a little. I started counting calories with the LoseIt! app on my iPod and I lost 30 pounds in a month and my friend was really excited that I lost weight that quickly so she decided to jump on to the weight loss train. She was never actually big to begin with, she weighed 108 and wanted to bring it down to 100. Since we started losing weight, she always has to make comments to me. For example, if we go out to eat and I want to pick something from the menu, she'll say "Do you know how many calories are in that? Are you sure you can eat that today?" She worries about my calories in a condescending way like I don't know what I can and can't eat! I'm better about my calories than she is and I always pre-plan my meals for the day just to make sure it fits in my calorie budget, so for her to treat me like an idiot, it ticks me off. Another thing, since it's summer, we usually go out to swim in her pool or to the beach, and everytime she sees me in a bikini, she'll tap my stomach and say "OOooh! someone's chunky!" I laugh along with her, but it really bugs me. Even if i'm not in a bikini, like, if i'm just wearing shorts and a t-shirt, she'll say something about my jiggly thighs or my chicken wing arms. I'll try to make a comeback like, you have jiggly thighs too, but she'll just say "well it's not as bad as yours!". I hate being around her now because she annoys me with her comments. How can I deal with this? or better yet, how can I make her stop?

My dog is limping??????

Wrong section, try the psychic section. You don't have a PUGGLE. A PUGGLE is a baby platypus. No excuse to have ticks on your dog, as you should be applying a flea/tick medication prescribed by your vet. If your dog is not walking on it's leg, it needs to be seen by a vet, not diagnosed by total strangers online. I don't know how you expect help from people on this site?

Can a teacher tell a student to get down on the floor?

Well at the moment I am out of school but, this really ticks me off. This teacher was screaming at all of us. She started ignoring students, and yes we shout out. Our other teachers have said "Do not raise your hand, say out your thoughts" We were all confused on this math lesson( she created on her own), and we were all quiet until someone called out a question. She would then say "No you shouted out, I don't care what you have to say" Then they raised their hand. Teacher: "Yes?" student: "what does-" Teacher: Nope I don't care." This kept going until, wonderful little chad, said that is not doing your job, a child is supposed to ask questions, and a teacher is supposed to answer them" And she took him by the collar, and was screaming in his face "You have no right!" She even started pushing him, on the board, cornered. Then she screamed "GET ON THE GROUND, NOW!" And he sat their, all of us shocked at that thing. Untill, another student and teacher came in, her mood quickly changed.. and I think lied (couldn't exactly hear). Soo I am asking what is your intake on all of this. (public school, substitute).

What are the factors that led to the emergence of the cold war?

The respondent should be able to explain thoroughly the possible factors that resulted to the occurrence of the cold war. Each factor should be explained in details.

Atheists: Are you ever open minded to the existence of God?

I'm open to EVIDENCE. Open minded doesn't mean believing anyone's bullshit story, it means being willing to evaluate their evidence. And ghost stories are anecdote, not evidence. People see big foot, sea monsters, UFO's, greys, el chupacabra it doesn't make this **** real.

Excruciating stomach cramps?

i have been getting these incredibly painful stomach cramps for a couple months now. the only way i can describe them, is that they feel like the cramps that you get when you have diarrhea, except that's not exactly the issue for me. at first when they started i just thought they were the result of me drinking too much soda. so, needless to say i completely stopped drinking that, but the cramps continued nonetheless. this is an every day occurrence for me unfortunately. the pain from the cramps is so excruciating at times, that they literally cause me to vomit. i have been to the doctor and they found nothing wrong, so i was just wondering if anyone else might have some kind of explanation for this or at least know some home remedies? i'm desperate. thank you.

My Toshiba laptop is making a ticking / clicking noise since I dropped it?

I dropped my laptop and it froze so I force shut it off by holding the on button and now when I turn it on it makes a clicking noise continuously and won't go beyond a screen that tells you you have problems connecting. Help me out!!!

Why does my dog get defensive and scared around people she knows?

omg i watched an episode of the dog whisperer similar to that maybe this can help look for the one in the section full episode - cujo and molly

Cant belive she did this to me?

am now in my last yr of school and when we do P.E i still dont like having to shower with the rest of the guys in my class so i thought i would nip home and get one there. when i got home the door was locked so i new no one was and i let myself in and hand my shower. when i was finsh i dint bother puting a towl round me as i new no one was home. i'd not had a **** for couple of days now so i thought i might as well have one as i naked. on my bedroom wall i've got this really sexy poster of pixie lott so i stood in front of the poster and started to masturbate. i've never been able to last long when wanking and with in two minutes i was to blow. what i dint no is my sister and her best friend had came home while i was in the shower and i dint here them. i started to say pixie's name out loud and my sister friend must heard me. i could not hold it in any longer and i turn my head to the right and to my horror my sister's friend was stood there with her phone in her hand filming me. i tryed to stop myself but it was to late. i started to shout at her but she ran out the room and out the house. when i got back to school i relasied people were looking at me kinda funny and then this one girl in my class came up me and ask if i'd seen pixie's new must video and i was like no why?. she then said she would go on youtube and put it on for me. she told me to watch it and when she pressed play i could not belive it. my sister's mate had uploaded the video of me wanking on the net. now everyone in school has seen it and they are now all calling me name's like one-hit wonder and pixie lover. what makes it worse is girl who are in my sister's year have seen it and there only 14/15 and they are calling me pin dick and tick-tack. am so iinbarrsed about it and dont no what to do.

Keep the government’s boot on BP’s neck?

what does it mean to keep your boot on one's neck? eg: Ken Salazar, the secretary of the interior, vowed to keep the government’s boot on BP’s neck.

Anyone know youtube account for girls from 16 & Pregnant?

Does anyone know any of them, from either Season 1, Teen Mom, Season 2 or upcoming season 3? I have Ashley Salazars. That's it. Thank you (:

Is it worth staying friends?

Me and my friend, Ivy (that's not her name but let's just say it is, she likes the name..) are barely friends anymore, I mean I love her. I wouldn't betray her ever, but we were friends in fourth grade (2009-2010)but I 5th grade we were best friends at tue beginning of the year but after Christmas break we got in a big fight, like all of the other fights, it was stupid. And after that we barely had any fights (because the first semester we fought like once every other week we would fight but after that big fight, we fought rarely, but we also weren't too close. And since that fight she hasn't invited me out anywhere or invited me to her house, but I invited her places sometimes. But, then after all those months, I finally decided to confront her about how I was sad about that and because we had a field trip and we sat together on the bus, and we were playing hangman and she decided to pretty much ditch me and play truth or dare with this annoying self-absorbed jerk and our guy-friend (who also is pretty much a player but he is funny..) and these preppy girls who me and ivy and all my friends hate, and flirted with them and left me for that, she asked me if I wanted to play and I said no because you know I hate all those people, and so I got ticked off and changed seats and sat with one of my best friends, who we can call Anna. I know at parts I may seem like the jerk here, but it sounds diffrent... Thanks. So tell me what you think and if you ask a question in a post come back to this in like 5 minutes and I'll add additional details.

Which shoes should i buy, vans TNT II or Nike SB Omar Salazars?

ive been looking to buy new skate shoes, and both of them i like because they are mid to high tops, and look pretty good. any recomendations on which to buy?

Is it rude for me to say to my Theology professor to keep his opinions to himself?

Your telling people your agnostic and you are studying at a Catholic university? Why are you taking a theology class?? Your classmates are athiests??? Nice try, troll.

Why is my dog always smell bad even if I give her a bath?

It's just the nature of dog fur. The dog's skin is always producing natural oils which bacteria live in. As for the flees and ticks- you can get treatments to put on the dog that kill and deter them.

Bolt Bus NYC --> Boston, what to do?

This is my first time taking Bolt Bus to Boston. I am arriving at Penn Station first and I need to get to the Tick Tock diner. Do I need to check in or anything first? How early should I arrive? Someone who has taken this route before please fill me in with any tips you have! For some reason I am nervous about this, as I usually take Amtrak :/

Why did Obama promise to listen to scientists and experts, and then lies about what they actually advice?

And you expected something else from this administration? And this surprises you how? This is nothing more that the same path taken for the last 18 months. It is possible that the entire administration are pathological liars.

Song ID please (Old School)?

Early 90s R&B song, chorus goes "It's an everyday thing baby" and "baby won't you tick tick tick tick....." Thought it was Keith Sweat but not sure. Thanks 4 any help!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ideas on how to save my marriage from divorce. Real answers please!?

Time to cut momma's apron strings. As long as she is "calling the shots", you are stuck. About 46% of marriages in the US end up in divorce. If HE filed for divorce, what are the "grounds" ? So, just tell him. "It's me, or your mother" ! I went through a similar divorce; My wife went "hay-wire", so I packed up everything in Chicago, (including the 14 year old girl we had adopted), and came to Texas. My daughter is now 41 years old, and doing well ! Good luck !

Is salazar a brazillian last name?

i have a cousin who is white on my side and spanish / (possible brazillian) on her side. her last name is salazar. she says its brazillian i think its spanish.

Resident Evil 4 - what is the hardest boss fight in your opinion?

Saddler isn't actually that hard. I agree that Salazar can be challenging but he can be beat with a rocket launcher. If I had to say, it's that one boss (forgot it's name) that you have to beat by freezing him and then breaking the ice. It's black and it's tongue moves all weird. Sorry I haven't played in a while.

Question for anyone....?

This is coming from someone who used to be a devout Christian. I stopped believing in God when I noticed how flawed religion is. Also, many of the Christians I know are the most hypocritical bunch I've met and they have that "I-am-better-than-you-because-in-the-end… kind of personality.

Do people care that a lot of people will lose their jobs due to the drilling moratorium?

Obama and company obviously don't care and as you can see the environmentalist wackos don't care either. It seems the only ones who do care are the people of the country and about all most of us can do is yell at the White House for continuing to make the wrong decisions on this massive problem.

Could his ghost be following her?

My current girlfriend's last boyfriend died in a car accident. She says that they loved each other very much and I remember how almost dead she was for many months after the accident. She's been having these weird occurrences at her house. These occurrences vary between noises, things moving/falling, and seeing figures. Could it be possible that he loved her so much that his spirit is following her around?

Why does dog shake? Please help.?

Hi, we foun a dog today and it was covered in ticks and wrapped in barbed wire. We saved him, and got all the ticks off of him and bathed him. But he's got cuts on his legs from The barbed wire. I was wondering why the dog constantly shakes and why there is white stuff coming out of his private area. Plus were taking him to the vet Friday.

How could I improve my Macbeth: Tyrant or Tragic Hero essay?

youre an amazing writer..the structure is perfect ! thats too weird because i just came home from my final english exam and we had to write an essay on the topic "macbeth is a beast" hahaha. my teacher always tells us that "less is more" and so the fewer words we can write to get the point across, the better. he would rather us write a 5 paragraph essay (1st, intro. 2nd,3rd and 4th are examples and details. 5th conclusion) but if your teacher doesnt expect that then keep doing what youre doing ! i enjoyed reading it a lot :)

IPod/family question? Help?

Ok, a long time ago my uncle bought me a ipod nano when I was in middle school.It fell in the water and broke on accident and I haven't told him about it. Im in high school now and my birthday is coming up and he's asking me what I want for my birthday and I want an ipod touch but he'll probably ask about my ipod nano? What do I tell him??? I don't want him to get ticked off?

Have you had to do sexual things to get a job?

my female friend was telling me that alot of girls in Korea and in japan have to have sex with a boss on the interview to get a job. I was wondering if this is a common occurrence in other countries such as the uk and usa.

Please help me: What should I do when I want to leave and not burden anyone anymore? Where should I go?

I feel very sorry about your family problems and i understand your anger management but if you really love them and if i were in your shoes just try your ABSOLUTE BEST to never say anything mean or hurtful or rude or back-talky and always tell them that you love them and that your sorry for being hurtful, and just try to be the peacemaker. Because every family needs one of them. I hope i helped out in any way. Stay strong <3

How much are Nike SB Zoom Omar Salazar – Yellow Ochre – Del Sol?

In toronto, ontario i need them and i dont know where to buy them and how much they are and i dont like buying online

Does this girl have the right to ask like this?

Okay so there is these too girls, lets call them a and b. So me,a and b were all going to try out for our schools dance team.these girls have no dance experience and i have tonssss! girl a is a total beeotch and girl b just goes with the flow pretty much. So when we were at dance team practices, they both were pretty much just going through the dance without actually "dancing" it if you know what i mean. they lacked that omph! me being a dancer for quite some time, i could do the dance with ease and knew it well enough to put that extra flair on it and really make it look good. i thought i had it in the bag. so tryout day comes and i nail everything! the other girls really didnt say anything about how they did. so the next day at school we find out that those two girls made the team and i made an alternate position! all of the other girls who made it were like wtf? how did they make it and you didnt. i said they same thing because they really cant dance. so girl a is now treating me like i am some piece of crap just in her way and she is acting like some queen bee. when in reality, everyone knows that i should have gotten that position, even girl b is such a bad dancer it really makes me laugh when people think they are actually good! do these girls desrve to act like this? what should i do about it because its ticking me off knowing that i should have one of their spots! im not just saying they are bad because im mad, im honestly telling the truth and not stretching it one bit! our first practice is tommorow and i really dont wanna be just pushed around because i am only an alternate!!

Is this good to say? Is it creepy?

I would say something along the lines of..." Hey how's your summer going so far?" as a starter. Then, I would eventually say something like..." Maybe you and I should hang out sometime" or invite her to an activity with a group of friends (water slides, beach, etc.). That way she won't feel pressured because it won't be just the two of you.

How can I keep this friendship going?? Or should i even?

Me and my friend, Ivy (that's not her name but let's just say it is, she likes the name..) are barely friends anymore, I mean I love her. I wouldn't betray her ever, but we were friends in fourth grade (2009-2010)but I 5th grade we were best friends at tue beginning of the year but after Christmas break we got in a big fight, like all of the other fights, it was stupid. And after that we barely had any fights (because the first semester we fought like once every other week we would fight but after that big fight, we fought rarely, but we also weren't too close. And since that fight she hasn't invited me out anywhere or invited me to her house, but I invited her places sometimes. But, then after all those months, I finally decided to confront her about how I was sad about that and because we had a field trip and we sat together on the bus, and we were playing hangman and she decided to pretty much ditch me and play truth or dare with this annoying self-absorbed jerk and our guy-friend (who also is pretty much a player but he is funny..) and these preppy girls who me and ivy and all my friends hate, and flirted with them and left me for that, she asked me if I wanted to play and I said no because you know I hate all those people, and so I got ticked off and changed seats and sat with one of my best friends, who we can call Anna. I know at parts I may seem like the jerk here, but it sounds diffrent... Thanks. So tell me what you think and if you ask a question in a post come back to this in like 5 minutes and I'll add additional details.

If anything supernatural, like god, does exist don't you think it would be blatantly obvious by now?

I am an atheist, and even I know that there are things that science cannot currently explain that could easily be misinterpreted as supernatural. I also know that science will work on the problem and come up with the answer at some point.

Where Is every card in harry potter and the chamber of secrets for gameboy advance?

I have almost all but there are some that I don’t have. I have all of the quidditch cards and all but one Hogwarts creators cards (godric Gryffindor, Salazar slytherin and the others) but there are some I don’t have and I need them for special unlockables. I really need the charms cards to get the spell so I can get to special places. Please help.

Macbook pro- loose falling out screws!?

I have been working in apple for 4 years in dubai and we get these issues alot and we fix them for free and takes about 30 mins not more ,you could take to any apple store and they will fix it and its likely very frequent.

What's up with people who play both sides of an argument?

I have a family member who STARTS drama between people or makes existing conflicts worse by taking both sides and bad-mouthing one person to the other, but also bad-mouthing the other person to the OTHER person in the conflict. What makes people like this tick? Why fuel drama like this and put yourself in the middle of it?

My best friend is a goof?

Well my best friend isnt crazy or retarded, she just sometimes gets out of control silly. Like after our soccer game she jept begging and begging my mom to take us for ice cream and it was funny at first but then it got annoying. And when we got to her house to drop her off, she got out and slammed the door which kinda ticked my mom off. (she was trying to be funny but...) and we were in her driveway for like 5 min trying to gently verbally pry her away from my car. Im kinda embarressed and my mom was kinda pissed. So how can i approach her about her "sillyness" cause shes super sensetive. Please please what should i do??? Also shes always saying shes fat and ugly when shes not.

Bit by something on a camping trip baseball size reddish rash with bruising Pics included Any Idea?

Hello we're in central Illinois and went camping over the weekend my friend first noticed the bite on Saturday which looked like a mosquito bite. It was normal skin color and about the size of a peanut M & M. It was itchy. On Sunday the bump was gone and in its place was a large reddish rash with bruising. It is not painful to the touch and does not appear to have gotten bigger than on sunday although the bruising has gotten slightly more purplish in color there is no signs of puss or any type of fever. As soon as this is posted i will add a photo bucket link with pictures. We were attacked by mosquitos and chiggers that weekend and its deer tick territory out there...we also have brown recluses in that area i've nver seen a bite like that. What do you think it was? Shes trying to avoid a hospital ill if she can....what do you think?

Missing logos and pictures?

My son has tampered with my PC and told me that he ticked or unticked something somewhere when he was trying to get something to come up on screen. Apparantly it was something that the Channel 5 TV said he needed to do in order to watch a repeat program, something to do with ad-blocking software but I don't know what he clicked on and it didn't work anyway. Now as I was about to print an e-ticket I notice that I'm getting the little squares with a red cross where obviously a picture or logo should be. How do I get it back to normal? Where do I find what to tick and/or de-tick?

Isn't Interior Secretary Ken Salazar confirming that the government can only rely on science for the truth?

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar asked in May for the investigation by the academy, saying he wanted "an independent, science-based understanding."

ITunes is syncing unchecked songs?

I want to have only ticked songs on my iPhone and I've checked "sync only ticked songs" but it still keeps putting stuff on there that I've unticked. In the music tab I've ticked "Selected artists", etc. and then "automatically fill free space with songs". What am I doing wrong?

Decoding Guy Speak...?

It might mean that he thinks of you as more than just a friend with benefits, he probably still cares for you, at least as a good friend.He doesn't want you to think that he only wants you to fool around with, but he does like the fooling around, and by calling it a "weekend thing" it seems like he just assumes it's going to happen. But he doesn't want YOU to be just a "weekend thing." He wants you to be his friend even when there isn't any fooling around.

Why doesn't the amnesty crowd realize that a bunch of Democrat Senators don't want it?

If Obama has his way he will grant them amnesty on monday and sign them up to vote on tuesday.But why do we need 30 million illegals here when our country is about to sink under Obama ? High unemployment, housing market crashing, jobs disappearing ,lame duck congress. There is nothing positive about amnesty

What would happen if I went to a doctor for this?

A year and a half ago I was trying to punch my brother because he hit me in the stomach with a shovel but he blocked it and I hit the side of my hand on a post instead. Hard to understand how I did it, but anyway I fracture my hand. I never had it put in a cast or brace or anything and my hand still really really hurts. I can hardly use it, and I have no strength left in it. I can't even hold hands with my boyfriend because it hurts too much. :( I can use my thumb and the next finger as always, but if I try to use the others it kills. Sometimes I seriously fall to the groud clutching it and nearly crying. It hurts a lot. I had an x-ray about 4 months after I fractured it, and they didn't see anything and sent me home. Which really ticked me off because obviously it's not okay. I just went to a walk in clinic. If I went to a better like at the hospital or something would they be able to see anything in an X-ray? What would they have to do to fix it? I'm absolutely terrified of doctors. I had an X-ray when it happened, that's how I know it wad fractured. But I had a driving test coming up and I couldn't be in any sort of cast so I sucked it up. Which I really regret now. The thing is, I'm an avid photographer and I plan on getting a degree in photography. I need my hand for that (it's my right hand) and I don't think my hand is even going to make it through college, because it's just getting worse every month. So, how awful would treatment be for my hand and how would they fix it? Would I need to some stupid specialist? I really am terrified of doctors.

Is it ever okay to torture another human being?

Yes, it is okay. The thing is that sometimes the ends justify the means, and although I hate to say it there are occasions when torture is justifiable. That being said, these occasions very rarely occur and torture is implemented far too often in today's day and age (Exhibit A: Guantanamo Bay).

Hemorrhoid or fissure?

Sorry if this seems a bit gross, but it will help if I knew my problem... For a while now I've had this problem concering blood on the tissue paper, and only the paper, not actually in the toilet and was wondering whether it be a hemorrhoid, fissure or none. 5 minutes on after an occurrence of a bright red blood smear on the tissue, I have no itch or pain whatsoever. I've had 2 bowel movements today, first one, there was no blood whatsoever, and second time around (5 minutes ago) after wiping 4-5 times a blood smear occured, on an area that felt a little circle, (possible skin tag?) and it was only 1, and not that sore or anything, just blood smeared on the tissue when it made contact with it. (Btw before yesterday, I hadnt had a bowel movement in 3 days which is very unusual for me but cant remember if I had to strain or not) As I said though, its happened before, and then may go away for like a couple of weeks, then I may see blood on the paper again, after second time around, and finally note, when I released my second bowel movement I felt a slight burning sensation although very short (20 seconds or something). Sorry if its a bit graphic, but just trying to give as much info as I can to have drawn conclusions. Thanks

Most supernatural occurrence?

when i was maybe 7 or 8 i was trying to sleep i was in a bunk bed with my bro on the bottom and it was maybe midnight or later but for some reason i woke up. Anyway i had this overwhelming fear for no reason and i could not even move my toe, i was frozen with fear and i tried to call for help but i couldnt. im not sure how to describe it but my vocal chords didnt work and i couldnt scream "mum" i could only barely whisper it. and i was pretty terrified and continuelly tried to scream untilmy voicebox started working annd my mum rushed in and asked me what was wrong so i told her i had a bad dream. I had no idea what was going on so how could i tell her? anyways only until last year i was in a scripture class and the guy described his experience which was exactly what happened to me except his light was on and he could see a "black shapeless thing" that was a demon or something.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Spoon in the washing up always soaks me.. Why?

When I do the washing up, I will turn on the tap and more often than not the water will fall onto an upturned spoon and the water will spray up and soak me. This is very annoying but what I don't understand is the unnatural frequency of this occurrence. It seems to me that for this to happen the spoon needs to be in exactly the right place under that tap and so should be a relatively rare phenomenon. But it happens all the time. Whats going on?

Is it safe to pet my cat after spraying Flea spray on her?

Well I don't pet my dog when she has her flea and tick stuff on for a couple of days unless I wash my hands after.

Why does Caffeine have a reverse effect on me?

yeah it's happened to me, i have to actually need the drink for it to give me a boost otherwise i'll fall asleep. It could be the caffine, or the sugar, as our body will try to sort it out if we have too much, it's like when we eat too much we go sleepy, same thing, our body will shut down and sort the levels out. x

Question regarding what seems to be fainting spells / blackouts,?

You need to find a good Dr, and follow thru with them. Let the Dr know this is interfering in your life. Also, practice a healthy lifestyle. Most people wouldn't know what a seizure looks like , so don't count on their description. Your "poor" diet would be a good place to start. Could be something as simple as low blood sugar.

Why is my husband jealous of my past?

We had been friends before getting together so he knows a lot of my past and occurrences that have happened. Now years later, I am punished for them. His jealous side is over the top for me. At least once a week, we have to end up arguing over someone that I have not seen or talked to you in 3 years. I don't understand. I love my husband, and am totally faithful to him. I do not talk, see, or face book my exes. I am here for my husband 100%, but am punished for his thoughts. It has gotten to the point where I feel divorce is the only answer because I cant change my past. I have two kids, and if they talk about their dad I cringe, because I know that everything they say is going to be brought up later, because I will be questioned. It gets old and I am starting to resent him.I have tried talking to him, but he only turns it back on me asking" Do you want your exes in your life"? Nothing is ever resolved!! I don't want this to happen but I don't know what else I can do. Please help!!

What's so special about hufflepuffs?

Slytherins Gryffindors and Ravenclaws all are awesome but Hufflepuffs are spares, it's even stated in teh books. Helga Hufflepuff took all the rest after salazar Gordric and Rowena had their pick of students. Anyone care to contridict me?

What would cause a sudden, piercing pain in the chest, by the heart?

Sometimes, often when I'm laying on my back falling asleep, it hurts like hell to inhale air into my lungs because of this quick, piercing pain that feels like its at my heart, almost as though its being punctured by a needle. These painful occurrences happen rarely, couple nights every few months. It doesn't last long, about 4-5 seconds. I just have to stop inhaling air for a second. The last time it happened a couple of weeks ago, I tried to inhale more air at the same time and it became increasingly painful. What can you make of this? I'm a 17 y/o boy so its couldn't be very serious right? Any ideas are much appreciated.

How do I get this guy even after regection?

There was this guy at work that Im pretty sure liked me.He would flirt and we would chat at work and on facebook occasionaly.At one point he asked me to the movies but I turned him down since I had a boyfriend at that point.He ended up getting fired at work and Soon after me and my boyfriend broke up.So I texted the guy from work just asking him how he was and casually slipping in how I was single now so if he ever needed someone to go to the movies with i would be up to it.He ended up sending me a very long text message explaining how he wasent meant to have a relationship and that no girl could ever understand him and although he felt alone he thought it was for the best.SO i asked if he would be up to having some no strings attached fun(sex) since he wasent into relationships,he then sent me another long text message explanation that he had not had sex in awhile and if he couldnt have the right person he diddnt want anyone.I told him he sounded like a hopeless romantic and then 2 days later i asked him if the definition of a hopeless romantic fit him.He replyed with a short "I dont know". And that was it.We havent been in contact since.what do i do?what makes this guy tick?etc etc HOW DO I GET THIS GUY EVEN AFTER REGECTION?

Bug bite thats caused baseball sized reddish looking rash with purple bruising?

Hello we're in central Illinois and went camping over the weekend my friend first noticed the bite on Saturday which looked like a mosquito bite. It was normal skin color and about the size of a peanut M & M. It was itchy. On Sunday the bump was gone and in its place was a large reddish rash with bruising. It is not painful to the touch but itches sometimes and does not appear to have gotten bigger than on sunday although the bruising has gotten slightly more purplish in color there is no signs of puss or any type of fever. The reddish color literally looks likes someone punched you in the stomach several times but with 4 day old looking purple bruising. We were attacked by mosquito's and chiggers that weekend and its deer tick territory out there...we also have brown recluses in that area i've never seen a bite like that. What do you think it was? Shes trying to avoid a hospital ill if she can....what do you think?

News on CM Punk's shoot (Read more inside)?

Apparently, he was NOT given ANY lines, and WWE said that Punk could go out there and say WHATEVER was ticking him off, and made him want to leave. They would cut the mic when they thought things were too far...Thoughts? I thought that they cut it a little bit late, they could have cut him when he was talking about Vince's death and his stupid family. Wow, this could possibly be the best thing WWE has come up with for a LONG time

In Resident Evil, Why are the bad guys always blonde and the good guys have brown hair?

Thats like asking why every helicopter pilot in the Resident Evil series ends up dead. Capcom just likes these sort of things.

Why can't I inhale completely?

I don't know what causes this, as it seems to happen every once in a while and at seemingly random occurrences, but I can't inhale all the way. To better state it, I can't get a satisfactory breath. And it seems like sneezing, coughing a lot, or any other throat-involving issues cause it. Other than that, it just seems to happen randomly. Such as right now, I can't really inhale all that much without feeling like my throat is closing up when I inhale. I haven't asked my doctor about it, and I know for a fact I don't have asthma. Is it just summer allergies, or do I need to go get my lungs scanned?

How do i get rid of my, "best friend"?

me and my friend kayla have been friends ever since we were little girls. but as we entered junior high and now entering high school, she just really ticks me off all the time. she never admits when she makes a mistake and whenever we get in a fight she always pins it down on me. even when we aren't fighting, she is always just really annoying. its not even like she is doing something specifically that's annoying, i just don't like her personality. she is very obnoxious. i was talking to my mom about it and she was even saying that kayla has been like this ever since she was a little girl. i don't enjoy hanging out with her and i've acted like I'm not interested in talking to her a lot lately. i know this sounds really harsh but I don't know what to do! 2 of the people in my "group" have stopped being her friend but i am the closest person to her so its not the same if i stop. she is negative and claims she is depressed and that is one of the reasons why i can't just blow her off like that. she even gets mad when i hang out with other people. plus, she is two-faced. and im not one of those people who will just agree with someone's opinions of another person, i say what i believe. i just can't take this anymore. please help me realize i don't want to be her friend anymore.

I found a small black shiny insect in my house...what is it?

I just found a small black shiny beetle like thing in my house. At first I was sure it was a tick, but then I looked up pictures and realized that ticks are not black and shiny. It was crawling on my carpet near a dog we are dog sitting. It was flat, and looked like a tick...but it was smooth, black and almost like a metalic shinyness to it. I tried to smash it with toilet paper and it wouldn't die/smash, so I flushed it. Wierd that it wouldn't just die. What could this thing be?

Hi i have a problem with computer if anybody could help would be great?

hi i recently opened a bad email and when i removed it with spybot it took my accessories group start menu with it and all program files for media player and other stuff. i have spent hours trying to get software to restore it. back to it original state before virus. i have tryed system restore/ anti virus software/ retore software pandora/ windows xp repair pro trial verion/ acc restore/ if i go into control panel/ folders it has a big black tick on it is that right not sure. i dont know what to do next can someone help if you know anything i can try. help would be great please.

Nobody ever understands me or my problems, or are speechless when they hear them. Can anyone here help me?

basically stop blaming yourself and thinking of suicide and also as for the rest oyu are just growing up! :)

How are out of body occurrences explained? (Astral projection)?

So many people have experienced OBE's that it's simply unexplained at the moment. Many people even claim to induce OBE's whenever they want. Ive experimented a little. There is a process of making your body fall asleep while remaining conscious. This actually works and you sometimes hear thing, even have stong vibrations throughout your body to the point it feel like your whole bed is rocking back in forth. Its a scary experience if you dont understand it.

Black spots on my dog's fur?

My short-haired red Dachshund has always had an even coat. Now she has started to grow a black patch of hair next to her shoulder. I checked the skin under it, it is not black, its normal--just the hairs are black. I checked her fur as well and she doesn't seem to have ticks or fleas. She doesn't scratch either, and she sunbathes every once in a while. I'm thinking this is an age spot but I am not sure (she is 5 years old).

If Ken Salazar initiates a NEW moratorium one day after a federal judge ruled against the old one, then what?

The decision will probably be overturned on appeal. Aside from the fact that the judge has a direct financial stake in the case and should have stepped down there is the fact that he didn't base the decision on jurisprudence or law. The judge decided a political question based on what he thinks the effects will be; this is not the role of a judge, but is what should be expected from a judge appointed by a criminal like Reagan.

Help with warranty for my car?

Does it say what order those two criteria go? Is it whichever is shorter, or whichever is longer? If it's whichever comes first, you're out of luck. If it's whichever is later, then you still should have a couple weeks. Talk to the dealer.

Harry Potter Question?

So if Harry Potter is related to the Peverell's (specifically the third brother Ignotus Peverell), and Marvolo Gaunt had the Peverell ring, then the Gaunt's were also related tot the Peverells right? So if this is true...doesn't that mean Harry is technically related to Voldemort? And not only that doesn't it mean he could be the heir of Slytherin, since the Gaunts were also related to Salazar Slytherin?

Does BP & Salazar have anything to do with the propossed slaughter of over 75,000 wild mustangs?

It seems that the wild mustangs are inconvenient to a proposed above ground gas pipe-line to Oregon. Does anyone have more info on this issue?

IIs this a good idea? What should I say?

Yea, I'd hit her up on facebook. Just be like, "Hey, I meant to talk to you about something at the graduation ceremony, but got caught up with the band. Would you happen to have time to talk sometime?" I mean you don't have to necessarily say those words, but just be casual and straight forward with it. It's best not to beat around the bush otherwise you'll never get what you wanted to accomplish done. Be confident.

Asian women always cast in romantic leads/situations but never Asian guys in American film?

Bruce Lee, ahhhhh he is the best, the most good looking guy to have walked this earth. My love for him is truely one of a kind. RIP.

Is there anything I can do about my ticks/ compulsions?

Have you gone to a DR. Maybe its that thing where people tick and can't control it I forgot what its called sorry or it could just be OCD. Good luck!!<3

I contacted yahoo and explained that I wish for any mail in the inbox dting from July back be deleted. There?

is just to many for me to delete. I wish to keep my inbox current to at least one day or two from present date. Can you assit? Last time they said they would get back to me but never did. I sure would appreciate the assistance.Thank you Joe Salazar,,,

What happens of the President, Vice President, Speaker of House, and the rest dies?

it would take a lot of time to kill all those people and im sure the government would figure out what was going on before everyone died, but if eveyone did die there is a simple answer to your question, we would all be screwed, thats it, no one would be able to agree on what to do next, the people with the most physical force would take control, and we would basically have a dictatorship, if everyone died that was suppose to lead our nation we wouldnt have to worry, because it wouldn't help us a bit to worry, it would be like what happened afte katrina where people where robbing stores to get what the wanted or needed except on a national scale because as Americans, most of us are to afraid of our own shadows to confront a major problem head on

How do I turn off auto sync in iTunes?

when you plug it in, click on the iphone and scroll to the bottom. it should say some that includs namually manage or something.

My boyfriend just went into the Army, I want to do something special for him so I want to make a calenda.....?

hahaha being in the army myself it depends on where he is at. is he in basic? if so do not send that calendar because the drill sgts will tear him apart. AIT they wont let him have it because of TRADOC. This has to be something u need to think of urself. write him letters if he's in basic. my girl wrote to me everyday she could and it made me happy. email me back if u have any questions about what to do.

Will Ken Salazar forbid lead to be used to end the Discovery Channel hostage crisis?

Maybe a contingent of like minded liberals can head over there for an "intervention"? Maybe a replay of Obama's speech last night will compel his surrender?

Is salazar a brazillian last name?

my cousins last name is salazar. i say its spanish , shes says its brazilian. does anyone know what it is?

DAP 9.6 download automatically in chrome?

I have download accelerator 9.6, the integration with chrome is ticked in options, but everytime i download, it uses the default chrome downloader instead of DAP, so that i have to copy the link into DAP to download, which defeats the point of it being quicker. How can I make it so that downloads start with DAP by default?

My crush embarrased me?

lmao watta jerk, how old are you guys? if your really young, he's probably not into girls that much yet... if your in like high school, then he thinks your weird...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Im scared - is all soliciting a crime?

First off you would have been violating the Terms of Service, which is different then violating the law. Second sure sounds to me like you DID violate the TOS. Third ignorance is no excuse, as they likely had you say from the start you agree to the TOS. If you choose not to READ the TOS that is YOUR fault and they can't go to your house and recite it to you before you start using their site. It is up to you to be responsible and read what you say you are agreeing to. If their TOS said you agree to dress up as an elephant when using the site then you would be expected to be dressed up as an elephant when using the site, as you agreed to do it(they wouldn't know unless it was some site that required you to use a webcam, but by point is to be outrageous to say you have to follow rules you say you will follow). They CAN fine you for not following the TOS, and you agreed to pay that fine when you agreed to the terms. That is how they get away with levying the fine basically.

My mom isn't getting our dog shaved?

Right now, his fur is COMPLETELY covered in mats. At first, it wasn't bad and we would brush him occasionally. But for some reason she's gotten the idea that just cutting his fur on her own solves the problem. All she's doing is trimming down the mats! I hate seeing my dog like can barely pet him without stroking mats of hair. What do I do? I've been at this for 2 years, I've told her that irritated skin lies beneath them,we cant tell if he has ticks, etc.

Should I go to the beach with my "friends" or not?

I think that you should go but you shouldn't worry about what Sara thinks about you. Don't let her ruin your good time just by saying those things! Now you know who your friends are and try your best to distance yourself from her because you know that at any given time she can go off! Just have a great time and act if she wasn't even there but be polite because you are going in her car and she is your transportation to and from the beach! Have fun!

Be gone byrnes/ hinch?

finally these jokes r gone they had a great bullpen in past years...valverde, lyons, livan hernandez, owings, pena, slaten.and lost fielders clark, salazar, carlos quentin, long overdue, long overdue

Harry potter code name? ?

So im a new admin for a fb page and we use codenames, but idk what codename i should use! Theyre already using salazar, padfoot, and prongs. Any ideas? Ps, im the represenitive of the hufflepuff house(: i know all terms from hp i just dont know what one to use, so thanks(:

How to get epona in legend of zelda ocarina of time 3ds?

Right, I am up to the point on it where u are locked in the ranch with Epona. Due to my ignorance, I stepped on a chicken (or what not) and the went crazy, its proving to be quite hilarious. I don't know how to make the person on the other side of the gates tick and end up letting me go. Any help would be nice, like videos from youtube or your own advice. Thanks. (Its a freakin good game :D)

Who is to fault for the oil spill; the failure of govt oversight in the Obama Adm or British Petroleum?

It started with the well. There were short cuts taken which may have led to the explosion, or not. We may never know. After the rig was destroyed and the oil was gushing into the Gulf Obama was offered help from other countries who had experience cleaning up these types of disasters, he declined allowing the oil to destroy much of the coastline and wildlife of the Gulf states. We won't get into the rest of the mess Obama and BP continue to create.

What can I do about my neighbor's poor dog on an Air Force base?

The Air Force is not in charge of animal cruelty laws, those are typically handled by the ASPCA. Call them.

Why are red heads so crazy?

My girlfriend is a red head and absolutely insane... but I love it! I heard that it's a pretty common occurrence.

Question about Parseltounge! (from Harry Potter)?

OK, so would you consider parseltounge to be a power or a genetic thing? Because I've heard that not all parselmouths are related to Salazar Slytherin (and no, I'm not talking about Harry Potter, there are others too)

What do i say to my former boss?

okay so i got fired from my job a few days ago (im only 15). and my parents were curious as to why i got fired, so they asked my bosses. they said that i did a bad job of following the general expectations, but the main reason was because they thought that i stole money (which i never did). their only evidence was a phone call from a parent, who claimed they overheard a conversation about me stealing money. so, my parents are really ticked off about it, especially because they were friends with my bosses. my mom says shes fine, but i know shes not. ive gotten over it, but im 100% sure that my mom is really upset that they would accuse me of stealing with so little evidence. i know she wants to say something to them, like maybe tell them off and say shes willing to move on, but she told my dad shed probably cry if she was to say something. i feel like i should say something to them, but i don't know what to say. i know my mom wouldn't want me to tell them off because she wants me to be mature about this. but i still feel like i should say something; like i should tell them how angry i am that they'd accuse me of theft, and how pissed i am that they made my mom this sad. but i just don't know exactly how to put it into the right words. thanks! best answer gets 10 points!

How do I get this guy even after regection?

There was this guy at work that Im pretty sure liked me.He would flirt and we would chat at work and on facebook occasionaly.At one point he asked me to the movies but I turned him down since I had a boyfriend at that point.He ended up getting fired at work and Soon after me and my boyfriend broke up.So I texted the guy from work just asking him how he was and casually slipping in how I was single now so if he ever needed someone to go to the movies with i would be up to it.He ended up sending me a very long text message explaining how he wasent meant to have a relationship and that no girl could ever understand him and although he felt alone he thought it was for the best.SO i asked if he would be up to having some no strings attached fun(sex) since he wasent into relationships,he then sent me another long text message explanation that he had not had sex in awhile and if he couldnt have the right person he diddnt want anyone.I told him he sounded like a hopeless romantic and then 2 days later i asked him if the definition of a hopeless romantic fit him.He replyed with a short "I dont know". And that was it.We havent been in contact since.what do i do?what makes this guy tick?etc etc HOW DO I GET THIS GUY EVEN AFTER REGECTION?

How do small restaurants typically handle it when a large group arrives without a reservation?

Report your displeasure with the manager on duty. Be firm and let them know why you were unhappy. If they don't resolve your issue, move it up the chain and talk to the owner or district manager.

Cat Peeing Outside Litter Box?

can be lonlyness or just marking teritory or just an outside cat because an outside cat usaully goes to the toilet where they sleep

Im scared - is all soliciting a crime?

I would wait and see if they come back with anything. You certainly violated their ToS. If they do you can talk to your lawyer and see what your next step is. I doubt you would have to go to jail. I mean it's not like you were running a huge spamming ring.

People obsessed with Harry Potter, UNITE!!!!!?

Harry potter isn't related to Salazar. remember how they were talking about it in the Chamber of Secrets. If Harry was related to Salazar through his dad (because his mom was muggle born she couldn't have been) then his dad would have been a parselmouth and Harry would have been to through his dad and not through Voldemort cursing him.

I'm really hurt! how do i deal?

He tricked you. Or, his feelings have changed. I suggest deleting him because he may do the same thing over and over again. To stop this you should delete him for sure. I don't know if he intentionally doing that to hurt you or not but still, ditch him.

Why does my Dog excessively (10+ Minutes) ONLY lick my Father every night?

Licking is not an acceptable behavior. My dogs aren't allowed to lick us, as they use their tongues for toilet paper.

What did you name your pipe/bong/bubbler/etc?

I named my bong Sir Richard Bongley IV because i thought it had a very regal appearance. I was really proud of that one to be honest.

Tiny black bugs that live on the curtains?

I wouldn't take the chances if they are harmless or not and just get the house sprayed inside and outside XD.

If we know how to clone, can we learn more about nature vs. nurture?

If we cloned Dolly the sheep, can't we see whether we are born the way we are, or whether the occurrences post-birth are what makes us who we are? Aside from what we already know~ can we use cloning to figure out just how much of our personalities we are born with?

Does life go by too fast?

yes, the more you are waiting for something spectacular to happen in your future, the more daily life passes you by without even batting an eye at it. In retrospect, time always goes by too fast.

Please read.completely, details are important.?

Ok, I have one bikini, the bottoms to which ride, and show an obvious camel toe. They are not too tight, as I actually had to tighten the string ties to keep it from falling off. They are white, if that has anything to do with it. And this is the only thing I have this problem with, all other underwear, jeans bikinis etc, fit fine, unless they are pulled up ridiculously high for some reason (not a common occurrence). Why is this one bathingsuit bottom this way? And what can I do abt it?

How supporters feel about repeat offenders illegal Mexicans forcing women into sex trafficking In America?

That is what happens when they are only deported. They always manage to come right back and pick right up where they left off. We need some of those Middle East/African punishments for crimes like this- lashing and caning.

Hartz ultraguard pro for cats, Does it work?

I got this product at wall-mart last night and treated my cat with it. She goes outside quite often. About a month ago my husband spread tick granduals on the yard and this helped alot keeping the ticks off the cat and the kids. I got this product just to give an extra boost for the tick and flea protection. She is a great mouser but I was afraid of her getting parasites from mice and birds she kills outside, so I put a collar with a bell on it around her neck. I don't want to keep her in the house all the time. She refuses to use a litter box unless it is raining or super-cold outside. She goes outside like a dog would. Fine with me, keeps the house from smelling. My question is does this product (hartz ultragaurd pro for cats) work well? Is there something better? I don't want to keep her prisoner inside the house, but I want to be as safe as I can be letting her out.

What should i do about my dogs itch condition?

well, my dog is 77 years old, yes i know he is old. anyway, he keeps biting his outer thigh. We bought him a cone, but he also keeps barking and yapping! he gets really annoying. We have taken him to the vet, he has no ticks the vet didn't say he had fleas either, and i brush him daily.I also tried neosporin. He only barks when he is alone, outside. before, his fur was gone, but now it is starting to grow back.i really want to help get this itch or pain go away so please help if you can, thanks.

On a gas dryer is it normal to see a orange glow underneath it every so often during a drying cycle?

I just noticed an orange glow coming from under my gas dryer. Is this a normal occurrence? As I have been having a problem with some odd noise coming from the dryer. I had never seen this glow before so it made me wonder what is that and if it could be related?

July (the stressful Month) Back to school shopping help.?

unless yur new to the school yur going to i wouldnt make a big deal about it cuz yu kno the ppl yu go 2 school with wich also means yu kno wat they expect from yu, if yu have a uniform dress it up with some edge and if yu dont, dress super chick, nothing to big, cuz if yu come to school the first day all pretty and dressed up or even the first week ppl will ask "y the change?" but to answer yue question, nahh i wouldnt worry 2 much about.

Do you agree with Salazar Slytherin that Hogwarts should only teach magic to Pureblood Wizards?

No, because if it was only pure bloods being taught, then you'd have mudbloods running around, trying to teach themselves magic...Besides, Voldemort isn't a pure blood, his mother was a squib and his father a muggle. Look at Neville, pure blood and useless when it comes to magic. Then there's that know-it-all Hermione, a mudblood better than everyone else...

What do you think of these players?

Ill do the ones i know F.Santos 7 Rosinei 6 & a half D.Reyes 8 A.Mosquera 7 D.Marquez 7 & a half H.Reynoso 6 Lobos 8 Juninho 7 M.Cejas 7 Cardenas 6 & a half E.Benitez 8 & a half P.Palencia 7 M.Fabian 8 bq 1 idk bq 2 there all good in mexico but in there team there medium player and there teams have better players

How to help infected skin tag on my dog?

We have been having a problem with ticks in our backyard for awhile. So when I saw the reddish bump on my dog's leg I thought it was a tick and I tried to remove it. However, it turned out to be a skin tag. I feel really bad about that. I'm sure I was hurting him and I didn't know. It looks like its infected now. I put some antibiotic ointment on it, but is there anything else I need to do?

What do i do if my horse has ticks?

My horse has a flaking of the skin and scabs on the back of his knees on his front legs and also stomps his back feet when hes out in the field or in his stable. we are quite close to our blacksmith and i was just talking about the problem with him and he said that when he was doing his back feet he had 2 ticks crawling up his arm. i dont know if hes lying about this because why didn't he tell me when it happened. he only said it once i brought the issue up. i have had a look in his fur and i cant find any sign of them. he is a cob and his quite thick feathers so they could be rummaging around in there. if he does have ticks, what will get rid of them? i've heard frontline works quite well...?

What is the difference between city and county court?

My bf had to go to city court for damage to personal property (a drunken mistake). He was on probation for 6 months. Court was 7 months ago. Today he got a letter in the mail with a COUNTY court date for the same charge (the same occurrence...not to separate ones). What does this mean? If he already went to city court and paid the fines and was on probation, why would he now have to go to county court?

I'm really confused about a guy, help?

Me and this guy are close mates. He's really nice to me and we always talk. The other day i liked one of his fb statuses, it was one of those like and i'll tick the boxes ones. Among a few others he put you're hot and you mean something to me, this made me really happy because i kinda like him. I put the same status on and gave him those two things back. One problem, he has a gf. I've never seen them talk or anything though. I would like help because I like him and i'm not sure what to do thanks :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can a bank add a months payment to a repossession even if that months bill Isnt due?

So long story short my boyfriend and I have gone through some hardships in that last year, from getting laid off. We have fallen behind on our truck payments but have gotten caught back up and had a arrangement to pay the last payment to be completely caught up this friday. We have our truck loan with Compass bank and today we called to get the balance of what was due friday, come to find out they have placed our truck in repossession. Apparently the payment we made previously was one day late cuz the bank entered it to late in the night for them to get it same day. Anyways as angry as I am I understand the bank has the right to put our vehicle up for repossession, now my question comes into play. In order for us to take it out of repossession we have to pay a fee to get the notice off plus the balance that was still due, not a big problem except the bank is saying that the balance that is due includes next months payment plus what we were planning on paying friday. How does that work our payment isn't due till the 10th of the month, why do we have to pay next months payment when its not even up to be paid yet? Now Im pretty ticked off cuz how is that at all legal? Can someone please help i have no idea what Ima do since i don't have that kinda cash now!

Part time job not a good fit, should I quit to look for full time?

Megan, I can certainly understand why you'd want to get a job in your career field. However, jobs are hard to come by right now so unless you could make it without a pay check for an undetermined length of time, you should look for another job while still working at this one. When you find another job simply tell your employer you've found a job in your career field - after all that's why you went to college. If you do leave this job before finding another one tell the potential employer you wanted to get a job in your career field and didn't have time to look while you were working. Until then I'd ask why you and the others are required to finish up your work after you've clocked out. They can't legally require you to do that.

What makes straight-men tick?

Due to the peculiar asymmetry of the large straight male brain, they tend to think they've thought of everything when they haven't. So they think they know all about gays--and they're sure that you couldn't be gay because (1) you're not effeminate, and (2) you haven't come on to them. So your first job, simple as it sounds, is to convince the straight boy you're interested in that you're gay--without in any way threatening or coming on to him. This will inevitably, eventually cause our subject to ask "What's wrong with me?" But you must be prepared to wait, sometimes for days, for the information first to register, then to percolate through his straight-guy thought processes, before it dawns on him that you haven't come on to him. Throughout this period you can be subtly reassuring him that you think he's a fine person, that you're honored to be his friend, that any girl who'd refuse to date him must be insane, that you have his back, and know that he has yours. Sooner or later he's going to want to know why you haven't come on to him. That's when, eye to eye, and toe to toe, you say, with a stifled sob of utter sincerity, "Joe, I respect you too much." Then you kiss him.

What name should I change?

Do you mean "Monroe" rather than with an a? Monroe sounds like you are named after a president. I like your current name. It rolls off the tongue nicely.

Should my dad still be driving?

I am so worried about my Dad still driving aged 89. He is of sound mind, but has dreadful arthritis is his legs and not a lot of strength in his arms, so I don't think he would cope in any sort of emergency stop. He is an anxious driver anyway, and doesn't seem to have any awareness of what's going on around him on the road. He is encouraged to drive by my also 89 yr old step mother to keep their independence. There are a lot of family members who can take them shopping etc, so there is no problem there. My dilemma is how to stop him driving, we have all asked him to stop - but he won't. I think there is big problem with the system for elderly drivers, they just have to tick a few boxes on a form - and then they keep driving. I really think there should be a stricter control on this. Any one else had this situation - any help would be great

Is America becoming more & more like Mexico every day?

Yes thanks to our government not enforcing the law. And having over 30 million illegal aliens from mexico, they are turning this country into the same criminal haven they left.

Mac Mini (mid 2007) Turned Off, Then Odd Ticking?

Today my mac mini just turned off abruptly, like there had been a power out; then there was a kind of spark noise coming from either the power brick or the power point pins themselves. of course I did not have time to inspect because I didn't want anything to catch on fire. I then plugged it back in, and the Mac Mini wouldn't start. I tried multiple power points but it still wouldn't work. Is the power brick dead? is it something with the computer? Would be great to know because I am in the middle of a really big assessment peace at school and I need my Mac. Thanksss

How do I know what he wants from me?

sex is not an option when i meet men. men respect me on that level. its more about getting to know me and the things that i enjoy doing. men connect with me more on a emotional level. they admire me as a person while they glorify my beauty. my friends cuddle me but its nothing more than a warm embrace. in your case he sounds selfish and selfish men need to be by themselves.....

Who is on the wall of the Chamber of Secrets?

In the movie the basilisk came out of the mouth of a head on the wall, who is it? could it be Merlin or Salazar Slytherin?

How to kill salazar easily in RE4?

If my memory serves correctly you will have to shoot his tentacles until his silvery body comes out and then you would use your most powerful gun to shoot at it as fast as you can.

Why did 0bama's Interior Secretary cook the books on their May 27 Drilling Report?

Dont you know by now that the little leftists are Perfect in their own minds , we however know better .

How do i get him to want me again?

I feel as if hes interested in other girls and dont get me wrong like were in love and stuff, but like things have changed i feel as if he is not interested in me anymore, is there something i can do so he realises that he misses and wants me. Another thing we both have this girl mate and i am not that close 2 i will say hes more close 2 her but like i dont get whats going on if i text her she never replies but if he texts her she replies within that minute and it really ticks me of but he dont see that. I feel as if im loosing him.. (We been together for 2years nearly but things are just getting boring or im either getting blanked coz hes always busy) Thanks for the help!! xx

Blamed for masturbating?

Today while i was in the bathroom i usually take my time. But when i went into the living room my dad and grandma accused me of masturbating and making fun of me about it. I do masturbate, but only at night time in my room. But i really was taking a ****, and im still getting crap about it and its ticking me off.

I have irregular periods but would like to conceive, can u help?

I recently had a period in April and then less than 30 days later in May, it seemed normal. Now I didn't get my period this month and I want to know if anyone has ways for me to conceive? I am 34 years old and would like to have my first child. My clock is ticking. I really want to use invitro as the last result. Anything that can get my me ovulating or more fertile? Please help.